NameRobert Loy
Email[email protected]
DepartmentCollege of Engineering and Technology
Type of requestNew technology request
Please describe the project you would like undertakenPortal update. Adding a Quick Link tile to the student portal for online students. We have team working to provide online students access to professional development resources. Marketing has a page that we are updating to include links to blogs, videos, and a calendar of upcoming events for online students. Adding a tile to the student portal for online students.
The action items I captured are as follows:
– Alyssa will make a quick link on the online student portal to this page:
– Aysha and Nita will work together to update the Online Student Success center to make the current tiles very clear and relevant.
– Alyssa will send a snapshot of the current online student portal so the group can advise on any items which need to be removed.
– Further review of a widget and design of the icon will be discussed soon.
Please rank your request on how critical this project is:7
Please explain why you ranked your request as you have in terms of criticalityThis can impact the entire GCU on-line community.
Technology requestedAdding a tile called “Professional & Career Development” with a link to the new web page on the student portal. Alyssa will create a link to the quick link widgets. The calendar pop-up request, is a “like-to-have” to kick down the road. (Knowing there is a portal redesign up coming. It sounds like the redesign might take care of this request.)
Please indicate the date the project must be completed byMarch 31, 2024

Summary Project Information

Date request received:Feb 28, 2024
Support Owner the request was sent to:Kirk Dykman
Date request was sent to Support Owner:Feb 28, 2024
Support Owner’s IT business analysis:
Support Owner’s cost analysis:
Support Owner’s work load:
Support Owner’s expected completion date:
Date Support Owner replied to request:
Date Deciders were sent the request data:
Deciders names:Randy Gibb, Junette West