If you would like to contact Campus Technology about the software list or availability of software please contact:
GCU’s Campus Applications Manager: [email protected]

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What is considered “software?”

The scope of what is considered software is very broad and takes on many different forms. The following list is only a basic set of areas of what is considered software and isn’t complete. It’s always best to just start all requests with Campus Technology.

  • Boxed or off-the-shelf software that comes on CDs, DVDs, USB thumb drives, and other physical media
  • Digital software downloaded from the Internet
  • Cloud/web-hosted services
  • Website hosting services
  • Web accessed subscriptions, memberships, or data warehouses
  • Apps (applications) for devices like iPads or other mobile devices
  • Fonts
  • Stock photos, graphics, and artwork
  • Digital books (eBooks)
  • Digital assessment materials
  • Renewals, support agreements, service agreements, and maintenance for any of the previously listed items

Why do I have to go through Campus Technology to purchase software?

Even for free software, Campus Technology is ultimately responsible for any software used on GCU computers, servers, and network. Some free software is only legally allowed to be installed on personally-owned computers/devices and not commercially owned computers/devices that our hardware is classified as.

Campus Technology also works very closely with Purchasing to coordinate the entire process. GCU has several contracts with vendors that we must use to purchase from if possible. We must also ensure the software is:

  • Purchased properly and through the most cost-effective means
  • Purchased against terms and conditions we can legally accept as a State entity
  • Installed correctly
  • Adheres to security requirements based on the information being handled in it
  • Obeying licensing compliance
  • Updated to current releases whenever possible
  • May already be available and does not need to be purchased again
  • Properly cataloged in our system so information is easier to locate and help with renewals and future purchases


How do I start the process?

The process itself varies widely depending upon many factors, particularly on length of time to the point where you can ultimately use what’s been requested. A lot depends on the complexity of the request, the integrations it might have, and cost. As the requestor, you may be engaged by Campus Technology and Purchasing several times during this process, usually for additional information. Below is the most basic explanation of the steps of the process, but some of them can occur at the same time and not always in a linear order.

If you are trying to determine what software to use or find out if campus already has something that might work:

  1. Send an email to [email protected] asking this question. Provide as much of a description about what you want this product to do so we can determine the best path. This may result in us bringing in other experts around campus to provide input.

If you already know what you want to purchase or have installed/renewed:

  1. Please fill out the Software Request eForm, which could be as little as selecting the software option, just so your request gets started.
  2. Campus Technology will review your initial request. If needed we may need to engage the vendor to provide additional question, such as security-related questions. Some of those areas are:
    • If medium or high-risk data is identified, a full risk assessment will be required
    • If an on-premise server installation is required
    • If an on-premise database server installation is required
    • If integration into other systems is required
    • If financial transactions are being handled with it
    • A separate conversation between Campus Technology and the requesting department may be necessary depending upon the determined amount of support needed to sustain the products use, administration, and ongoing costs
  3. If the product meets no concerns from Campus Technology it will be sent to Purchasing where they will submit a request for quote/availability from our contract vendors when necessary, or get a quote from the vendor directly if it wasn’t already supplied
  4. Purchasing will review the agreement and propose modifications to the vendor
    • Some vendors will not accept modified agreements, but this isn’t always a roadblock
    • This process may take a bit of time depending upon back-and-forth negotiating the language that both parties can agree upon and is heavily dependent upon how quickly they respond
  5. IT Security (ITS) and Business Engagement (BE) will need to screen the software application being proposed
  6. After Campus Technology, ITS and BE has approved, Purchasing can then proceed with the procurement

Campus Technology will continue to help you through this process as much as possible and as needed. If the software is large-scale, Campus Technology and GCE will schedule a project launch.

Purchasing iOS apps for iPads and iPhones

Campus Technology has created an eForm to streamline the process of ordering apps from Apple’s iOS App Store for use on University-owned iPads and iPhones.

Please follow these steps to purchase an app:

  1. Visit the Apple Volume Purchase Program website, and verify that the app you are seeking to purchase is available.
  2. Access the iOS App Store Purchase Request eForm.
  3. Login with your GCU username and password.
  4. Enter the exact name of the app you would like to purchase, the quantity of devices on which the app will be used, the price of the app, the University account number to be charged, and the name of an authorizer of that account.
  5. Click Submit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I buy software on a procurement card?
A: Software purchases are not allowed on a procurement card unless you have received written permission from Campus Technology or the Director of Purchasing to do so first. We are working towards integrating this approval into the eForm. In some instances we understand that a vendor may not accept any other type of payment other than a credit card. The total cost to purchase and any type of data being used will determine if Campus Technology/Purchasing will authorize use of your procurement card. Also note that according to procurement card guidelines:

  • No vendor should store your card information in their system
  • They are not to be used for automatically renewing subscriptions
  • They can’t be used the first time a membership is purchased

Q: How long can I expect the order process to take?
A: In a perfect scenario for a common piece of software, our goal is to have your order completed within ten (10) business days from the point you submitted your request. However, as mentioned above there are a lot of possible variables to each software purchase that could push this timeline longer. Please plan ahead as far as you can for your purchase.

Q: For software to be installed on university-owned computers, how long does it take to get software deployed once all of the information is received from the vendor to do so?
A: Campus Technology asks for two (2) weeks to package and deploy new software that’s a basic install. If there are more complicated aspects to how a software title needs to be installed it could take longer.

Q: Is it possible my request to purchase software could be denied?
A: Yes, but it is not very common.

Q: Who pays for software purchases?
A: Generally speaking the department requesting the software pays for it.

Q: Do cloud computing purchases need to go through this process?
A: Yes. There are also contracts in place for these types of services that need to be explored first.