About the Project Proposal Process

The goal of the project proposal process is to allocate the necessary time and effort of the GCU & GCE IT teams in a fair, consistent and transparent manner, in accordance with the strategic priorities of the University, making sure that both academic and administrative projects receive an appropriate share of the IT team’s hours. If you have any concerns or comments, please contact Campus Technology Director, Garron Hale.

Project Requests
Type of request
Maintenance request is a request for small changes or edits to an existing application, web site, or to report a problem. Note: maintenance requests may require steering committee review and scoring.
Please provide a brief description of the needed technology.
Please list the application you are reporting on (Examples: MS Access, Visual Basic Application, PHP Web Application, SQL Server Management Studio, etc.), and walk us through how you found the problem.

The Request Form process will follow the following path

project workflow diagram

Project Lifecycle

project lifecycle