
Project management activities begin at the Initiation Phase where a project has been approved by management with funding identified. It continues on through the remaining life cycle phases of Planning, Execution and Control, and Closeout. This PM standard addresses the governance and management of any IT activity that meets the definition of a project.

Project Lifecycle

The lifecycle of a project begins when a person or organization recognizes a business need or problem requiring a solution. Projects are NOT just a set of tasks to perform! A project is a process that produces a unique product or service which allows the organization to achieve a desired business goal.

All projects are reviewed and managed through a lifecycle of phases, Initiation, Planning, Execution and Control, and Closeout.

  Project Phase Key Activities Deliverables
  • Project Sponsor has developed and submitted a project research/project approval template to the Technology Portfolio Management Committee.
  • Project Sponsor secures funding via new budget initiative or internal resource
  • CIO and PMO assign an IT Project Manager
  • Agree to bring together the core team members and stakeholders
  • Assign a project manager and establish others’ roles and responsibilities
  • As much as possible, identify the resources needed, the cost estimates, and a broad timeline
  • CIO approves charter, project now approved to move forward with detailed planning


Project Research Form (PRF)/Project Approval Form (PAF)

Project Charter

  • Collect requirements as needed. Requirements include the quantified and documented needs and expectations of the sponsor, customer, and other stakeholders. Some options include, focus group sessions, stated stakeholder requirements, and surveys
  • Develop project scope by describing, in sufficient detail, the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully.
  • Develop Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and schedule. The WBS is a detailed, hierarchical list of the tasks to be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.
  • Develop budget plan (including hard and soft costs)
  • Assign resources
  • Develop project schedule
  • Develop procurement plan (if applicable)
  • Develop quality management plan
  • Develop communications strategy
  • Assess and document risks and risk strategy
  • Submit project plan to PMO
  • File project plan on PMO SharePoint site
Project Plan
Execution and Control
  • Assemble the project team
  • Procure resources
  • Execute project tasks
  • Distribute information
  • Manage stakeholder expectations
  • Provide status reports
  • Monitor performance
  • Monitor progress according to the schedule
  • Monitor and log issues and risks
  • Manage procurement
  • Implement testing and training plans
Identified in the Project Plan
  • Formal acceptance of final deliverable(s) by the Project Sponsor
  • Sponsor and IT Project Manager complete close out report including lessons learned and file with IT PMO
  • Archive project documents in SharePoint
Close Out Report



The initiation process defines a new project and obtains authorization for that project to start. A project research form outlining the business justification for the project is prepared by the Project Sponsor. The sponsor serves as a “champion” for the project.

After the project research stage, a Project Approval form is submitted for review and approval by the Technology Portfolio Management Committee. Once approved, the project goes to the PMO, is appropriately classified, and the ____ and PMO will appoint an IT Project Manager. The Project Sponsor and Project Manager will identify the appropriate team members, and the Project Manager and project team will complete the project charter document.

Approval of the project charter by the ____ authorizes the Project Manager to staff the project team, procure resources, and oversee the people and resources necessary to complete the project. The project charter must be approved by the ____ before the project is considered approved for planning.


During the planning phase, information used in the Initiation phase is used to further refine the scope and define the objectives to be met by the project. The IT PMO will work with the Project Manager and team to identify documentation and project management activities that will be required (see the Project Documentation matrix for details). A project plan is developed, which includes the schedule, milestones, and plans for testing and training, security, procurement, resources, communication, and risks. The planning phase is complete when the project plan is completed and submitted to the ____ and PMO. With the submission and acceptance of all project planning documentation by the ____ and PMO, then and only then is the Project Manager given approval to officially activate the project and proceed to the Execution and Control phase i.e. begin project work, assemble project team, procure materials/equipment, etc.

Execution and Control

Executing begins when team members begin the actual work, as defined in the project plan, to complete the defined tasks and develop the deliverables. This includes building, developing and managing the project team; distributing relevant project information to stakeholders as planned; and managing stakeholders’ expectations to ensure their needs are met.

Monitoring and Controlling processes track, review and regulate the project’s progress toward meeting the performance objectives as defined in the project plan. These include, but are not limited to, ensuring changes to the plan are tracked and approved; that decisions, issues and risks are documented and appropriately addressed; that timely and accurate project status reports and other relevant information are communicated; and that testing and training activities proceed according to plan.

Project Closeout

When the Project Sponsor has accepted the project’s deliverables as complete and signed off on the project, the project manager initiates action to finalize the project and submits a final status report to the sponsor and the IT PMO. An archive of the project’s documents must be stored on SharePoint. The final deliverable is transferred to operations and support staff where it becomes part of the operational activities of the university.

Project Manager Selection and Training

Project Managers are selected and assigned to projects by the CIO in consultation with the IT PMO. The training and certification required depend on the project classification and level of experience required to manage the project.

For projects with High classification, a Project Management Institute (PMI) or________ certified project manager is required or equivalent experience. For all other projects, a non‐certified project manager may be assigned. However, it is recommended that a certified project manager serve as a consultant on these projects.