GCU Enterprise Project Portfolio Executive Summary

ProjectSponsorOversightProject's RiskBudgetSchedule RatingScope RatingResource RatingRisk and Issues RatingActual CostBudget
COE Tracking PrioritiesJulianne BrettCOEN/AN/A
Lenel Expansion ProjectJohn KaluaCampus TechN/AN/A
Canyon PromotionsGarron HaleCampus Tech
SDS-SimplicityBeth JamisonSDSN/AN/A
CampusGroups ProjectGarron HaleCampus TechN/AN/A
CampusPressGarron HaleCampus TechN/AN/A
Igloo ContractCat LenaCollege of Doctoral StudiesN/AN/A
Research Support ApplicationScott GreenbergerResearchN/AN/A
Honors College - DPA UpgradeBreanna NaegeliHonors CollegeN/AN/A
StarRez Migration ProjectSarah CastroOffice of Dean of StudentsN/AN/A
Medicat MigrationChristine PembertonOffice of Student CareN/AN/A
Application Inventory ProjectGarron HaleCampus TechnologyN/AN/A

Project Health Key

* Project Health Key* Project Health Key Description
Project is on time within defined scope and with minimal issues.
Overall Risk Rating of 5-10 is Green
Changes to scope or resources have placed project at some risk. Project has the potential for delays or scope changes.
Overall Risk Rating of 11-17 is Yellow
Major changes to scope or resources have placed project at critical risk. One or more of the following must change in order to proceed: project schedule, resources, scope.
Overall Risk Rating of 18-25 is Red
gold starProject is complete.
Project has been placed on hold, or cancelled

IT Project Risk Ratings (Summed to Calculate Overall Project Health Rating)

Current Risk RatingDescriptions and Scores
Budget, Schedule, ScopeThe scales below are used to rate current performance on Budget, Schedule, and Scope
1 = Performing better than project plan; ahead by 5% or more (Schedule and Scope only)
2 = Performance is on plan
3 = Behind plan, but within 5% of original targets. For Budget, over or under spending within 5% of plan
4 = Behind plan between 6% to 10%. For Budget, over or under spending by 6-10%, and likely to use/using contingency
5 = Greater than 10% behind plan. For Budget, over or under spending by > 10%, and more than half of contingency is projected to be used
ResourcesPeople with the necessary expertise are....
1 = In place, or high likelihood of being available as specified in the Resourcing Plan
2 = There are some minor gaps in resourcing, but can be overcome with minor alternations of Resourcing Plan, with no significant impact on schedule, budget or deliverables.
3 = Somewhat in place, or struggling to perform, with moderate risk to schedule, budget or deliverables.
4 = There are gaps in resourcing, with moderately high risk to schedule, budget or deliverables. Mitigation plans in place, or will be soon.
5 = Not in place, or low likelihood of being available per the Resource Plan. Significant impact on schedule, budget or deliverables, without mitigation plans in place.
Issues, Risks & Project DependenciesThe scale below is used to rate current impact of Issues and other factors relevant to the project
1 = No risks or issues identified at this time
2 = Some identified but minor, no impacts anticipated
3 = Some that could impact the project are being managed, with minimal impact anticipated
4 = Significant risks/issues/other factors identified but not yet managed
5 = Risks/issues being managed but will have significant impact (greater than 10%) on project budget, schedule and/or scope