I. General Policy Statement

This University Mobile Device Acceptable Use Policy applies to use of Grand Canyon University assigned mobile services, and University owned and/or issued mobile devices. These are referred to in this document as in either of two ways.

    1. Mobile device: any electronic device with the ability to transmit or receive data, text, and/or voice, via a University-approved cellular network. This includes but is not limited to smartphones, cellular equipped tablets, laptops, and wi-fi cellular cards.
    2. Communication device: Includes all mobile (cellular) devices as defined above as well as other communications devices including, but not limited to land line telephones, two- way radios, and beepers.

II. Policy

Assigning a University Issued Mobile Device
The IT Director of the College or Division will recommend who qualifies for a University issued cellular device following a University-wide standard scoring rubric. Final determination is subject to a Dean or Division Head’s review and approval. A user who qualifies for a device may not automatically be assigned a device at the discretion of the Dean or Division Head, as individual needs and departmental resources may vary. The IT Director, with input from the leadership within the College or Division, will determine device assignments offering users choices where possible.

Single Mobile Device Assignment Policy
With proper authorization, a University employee may be issued one (1) mobile device with enabled cellular service. Employees needing to connect multiple devices to either the Internet or a cellular service provider should work with their IT Departments as appropriate for alternative solutions and technologies. Such technologies may include smart phone tethering or a temporarily assigned Wi-Fi access point. Employees who “dual report” to two or more departments and are assigned a University smart phone shall be issued one (1) cellular device, with costs allocated between the two departments as mutually agreed.

Records Management of a University-Assigned Mobile or Communication Device
All University device service usage detail records produced by assigned mobile devices are property of the University and managed by the University. Usage summary reports (i.e. number of minutes or GB of data used) are distributed to supervisors regularly and are periodically reviewed. Detailed usage reports are available to any supervisor upon request by contacting Telecommunications.

Acceptable Business Use of University Issued Communication Devices
If the University Mobile Device Acceptable Use rubric scores a University employee as qualifying for a University-Issued Communication Device, the Employee’s IT Director, Dean or Division Head will review. If the Employee’s college IT Director, Dean or Division Head concurs that an employee need exists, she or he may authorize a University issued communications device to be provided by the IT Director. The University understands that some minimal amount of personal use of a University provided land line or cellular phone is inevitable. However a University mobile device is intended for business use only.

Personal Communications Devices and University Business
If a user elects to use his or her personal device for University business, he/she may do so. The University does not offer per-call reimbursement or stipend a user for personal monthly cellular service usage.

Grand Canyon University Mobile Device Security Standard
The Security Standard (below) must be adhered to by all University-Issued Mobile Devices and their Users at all times.

All mobile devices used by faculty, staff, affiliates, or student-employees to access, store, or manipulate institutional data must:

  • have appropriate safeguards applied to mitigate the risk of information exposure due to loss or theft (see table below). These safeguards may be verified at the university’s discretion and promoted via technical means.
  • be reported to [email protected] if lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised.
  • be wiped before transferring ownership (e.g. sales or trade-ins).

University-Issued Services on Personal Communication Devices: Standards
If an individual elects to attach a personally owned communications device to a University IT system, such as University operated email systems, he/she is required to adhere to the Mobile Device Security Standard.

Mobile Device Upgrade Frequency and Schedule Policy
University owned mobile devices may be upgraded two years from original purchase.

  • If a business need exists that requires the device to be upgraded sooner than two years, the employee may discuss initially with their IT Director, and then with their Dean, or Division Head.
  • If the device is broken or otherwise inoperable and no device that is capable of performing similar University business is available at Excess Property, the Colleges or Division’s IT Director may recommend an upgrade.

A University employee wishing to upgrade their assigned cellular device may not use another employee’s cellular device upgrade schedule to upgrade their assigned cellular device.

Employee-Owned Device Purchase Option
According to University Service Plan Procedure, Employees wishing to upgrade their University assigned cellular device sooner than the approved two year time period are free to purchase their IT Director approved device out-of-pocket and attach such device to a University cellular service plan. The cellular phone number becomes the property of the University and may be transferred back to the employee upon termination or resignation of the employee-based on recommendations made by Telecommunications and the Home College or Division. The employee will retain ownership of their cellular device.

The University will not be responsible for any maintenance, 3rd party products such as Bluetooth devices or any communications options. The employee will be required to adhere to all usage limits and policies outlined in the section labeled “Personal Use of University-Provided Communications Devices” including reasonable usage and usage reimbursement provisions.

Switching of a cellular carrier solely to upgrade a device before the two year cycle is not allowed.

Mobile Device Recycling and Reuse

Excess Property will maintain an inventory of all University owned cellular devices available for either repurposing, recycling, or reuse.

A previously used University owned communications device will be:

  1. Available at Excess Property for purchase by a College or Division as a replacement of a stolen, damaged, or lost device or as a newly assigned device.
  2. Sold to the general public based on its value set by excess property.
  3. Sold to an external recycling company. Revenue from the sale of each device will be transferred back to the College or Division that purchased the device at the time of sale.

If a new communications device is replacing a pre-existing communications device, the pre- existing communications device must:

  • Be “reset to factory defaults” and free of all University confidential, sensitive, and all personally identifiable information. This should be completed by the user, then verified by the College’s or Division’s IT Director prior to when the new device is assigned.

Damaged, Lost or Stolen University Issued or Personally Owned Communications Devices

Employees in possession of University issued communications devices are expected to secure the equipment from loss or damage. If the cellular device is stolen call the local police department or if on campus, call the Department of Public Safety. Please call 855-GCU-LOPE and ask for Public Safety. Immediately afterwards, the employee should contact the College’s or Division’s IT Director, explain the loss, and use outlook web access to remotely reset the cell phone to factory defaults (remote wipe the device). For assistance they can contact the IT Helpdesk. University issued devices that are lost, damaged, or cease to function will be replaced by the College or Division with a device that is capable of performing similar University business as the original device. There is no guarantee that such a replacement device will be the same make or model device that was lost or damaged. Under circumstances where it is determined that the employee is responsible for damaging or misuse of their issued communications device, disciplinary action may be taken.

Mobile Devices and Services
Billing for mobile devices and services will be coordinated by Telecommunications with the colleges or departments budget manager. The use of procurement cards for paying for recurring cellular service fees or purchasing mobile devices is not allowed. College or Division currently using any form of payment, including procurement cards, as a method to pay recurring cellular service fees are required to transfer these plans/bills to approved University service plans.

III. Compliance

All University employees issued and accepting University mobile devices and services will be expected to maintain compliance with the University Mobile Device Acceptable Use Policy.

The IT director will notify the Employee if there appears to be a compliance concern occurring, so the Employee may rectify any inadvertent breaches of policy expeditiously.

Any apparent criminal compliance concerns will be immediately brought to the attention of the Department of Public Safety and reported to the relevant College or Division’s IT Director.

Mobile Device and Communication Service Records Management and Compliance
University assigned Mobile Device and service records are subject to regular internal reviews by the University. In addition, external audit requests by public agencies including regulatory and enforcement authorities may occur, and will be fully complied with by the University and its employees in all circumstances. If a University assigned device was used for illegal or unethical activities, the University may pursue an investigation and take whatever action is deemed necessary.

Required Use of Excess Property
University-issued mobile devices are University owned property. If the device is no longer needed for University business, it is to be returned to the relevant College or Division’s IT Director. Mobile Devices deemed Excess Property are re-sold through the University’s established Excess Property disposal procedures and methods. Colleges or Divisions may not sell, trade-in, or give-away new or used University cellular or communication devices.

Resignation or Termination of Employment
Upon resignation or termination of employment, employees are expected to comply within 24 hours with the University’s requirement that the University issued mobile device be promptly returned and disconnected from any personal accounts. Employees who separate from employment with outstanding equipment debts or incur unauthorized charges will be considered to have left employment on unsatisfactory terms and may be subject to legal action for recovery of the loss.

Mobile Device Use while Operating a Vehicle
In situations where job responsibilities include regular driving and acceptance of business calls, hands-free equipment may be provided to facilitate the provisions of this policy. Under no circumstances are employees required to place themselves at risk or break the law to fulfill business needs. Employees who are charged with traffic violations resulting from the use of their phone while driving will be responsible for all financial liabilities and associated penalties that result from such actions.

IV. To Whom Does This Policy Apply

Faculty, Staff