
The Information Technology Governance Steering Committee (ITGSC) provides overarching governance for the strategic direction of information technology for GCU and ensures alignment of IT services and operations with the university’s overall strategic mission, vision and goals, and needs of end-users. Specifically, the ITSC will:

  • Set high-level priorities and facilitate resolution of competing demands for IT resources;
  • Ensure accountability for the delivery of IT services and infrastructure;
  • Facilitate communication and change management about IT governance, IT services, and solutions across the schools, programs, campus, and GCU IT Health;
  • Promote compliance with laws, statutes, and regulations relevant to our charge and ensure appropriate protection of university assets and stability of operations.
  • Review relevant policies and guide implementation standards.
  • Review and approve requests for distribution of IT Roadmap funds.
  • Review and approve IT proposals affecting multiple schools or programs as requested by IT Governance subcommittees, GCU’s Executive Team, or the CIO.
  • Allocate resources in support of innovation;
  • Advocate for the adoption of common IT solutions and services, as appropriate, across the enterprise;
  • Oversee the development of an enterprise roadmap for the technical architecture;
  • Oversee and direct the activities of GCU IT Governance Sub-Committees.

The committee deliberates and makes recommendations on the alignment of IT strategies with university priorities, risk management, value delivery, performance measures, and resource management. The committee has direct control over the use and distribution of IT Roadmap funds allocated by the President. The committee charge does not include oversight of GCU IT and departmental IT operating budgets, IT hiring and appointments, and departmental IT priority setting.


Current Members are:
