University Classrooms

The Campus Technology Team supports the audio/visual needs for technology-enhanced classrooms, labs, lecture halls and informal learning spaces, special purpose classrooms, and auditoriums across campus.

The Campus Technology Team supports standard University Classrooms, also known as General Purpose Classrooms (GPCs). These technology-enhanced rooms are designed to seat roughly 30-35 students. GPCs are equipped with presentation systems which allow faculty to bring their own computers for delivering course material and typically have lecterns with the following features:

  • Simple control systems that let faculty select a video source and control volume;
  • HDMI and USB-C connections for Windows and Mac laptops (older rooms may have VGA and HDMI connections requiring Mac users to use a display adapter);
  • document cameras (portable visualizers); and
  • power outlet.

Academic Affairs Classrooms and Learning Spaces

The Campus Technology Team offers support to classrooms, labs, lecture halls, and informal learning spaces that are managed by the colleges or academic departments within Academic Affairs. The equipment is determined by each individual department/college, and the support will vary based on agreements and the age of the equipment.

Special Purpose Spaces

Special Purpose Classrooms are unique classroom configurations designed to seat from around 25 to just over 100 students. The Campus Technology Team is responsible for several of these spaces. These rooms typically have the same functionality as the General Purpose Classrooms with additional technical features. Examples of these spaces include Orange Hall 1355; Eastman Hall 1273; Institute Hall 1140, 1160 and 1180; and Gosnell 2372.


These larger spaces are designed to seat roughly 150 to 300 students for large classes, lectures, special events, open houses, and guest speakers. The Campus Technology Team is responsible for eight of these spaces that have the same functionality as the General Purpose Classrooms above, plus additional functionality such as larger lecterns, lighting controls, and presenter microphones. Most of these spaces can accommodate production crews for event recording and streaming. These spaces include:

  • Eastman Hall 2000
  • Liberal Arts A205
  • Webb Auditorium – Booth 1350
  • Gosnell A300
  • Van Perseum Auditorium – Gosnell 1250
  • Xerox Auditorium – Gleason 2580
  • Golisano Auditorium – Golisano 1400
  • Carlson Auditorium – Carlson 1125