Please be aware the software purchasing process can take several weeks. Some requests to purchase software may require the initiation of a Cybersecurity or Information Security Risk Assessment.  That team may determine the product does not meet security requirements with how it is developed or reject integration for other reasons.

Products that store medium or high-risk data will typically require the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA)/2-factor authentication (2FA) as required by GCU System Information Security policy.
Software Request Form

Please fill out this form as the initial step in requesting to purchase software.

Primary contact name
Primary contact name
URL for the software
(Describe the purpose of the software and how it will be used at the University. Include departments that will be using the software).
Will there be additional implementation costs involved? Will there be implementation or maintenance costs?
Please check all those that apply
Will GCU students use the application?
Software Delivery. Check all that apply.
Does the system or software store any student-related data?
Is sensitive data being processed or stored? Select all that apply.
Please provide details of technical requirements of the computer or laptop for software installation

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If you know this software has never been purchased by GCU previously, you might consider sending the questions found on this page, the IT Security questions, to the vendor to respond to. You can send the vendor responses to [email protected].