NameCat Lena
Email[email protected]
Type of requestNew technology request
Please describe the project you would like undertakenProject Title: SDA DashboardRequest Summary:
Doctoral Studies would like a dashboard created so they can have a comprehensive way to evaluate dissertation faculty by tracking and assessing faculty serving as chairs and methodologists, using a combination of metrics outlined in the responses below, see 3c. This request does not address a regulatory requirement. They are hoping for a 3rd quarter 2024 delivery due to the requests for data from compliance and legal teams, and the data this dashboard would provide is needed as soon as possible. Response to project request questions:
1. Is this a New/Enhanced Feature or a Bug Report?
New Request
2. Is this feature/request required to satisfy a compliance/regulatory requirement? 
Yes. (not a specific regulatory requirement but will aid in meeting data requests from legal and provost office regarding faculty and student-related issues/stats within the College of Doctoral Studies)
3. Description of enhancement/request
a. While not a specific regulatory requirement this dashboard will aid in meeting data requests from legal and provost office regarding faculty and student-related issues/stats within the College of Doctoral Studies.
b. CDS leadership and supervisors need a way to regularly and efficiently assess dissertation faculty serving as chairs and methodologists, using a combination of metrics. 
c. Via a Consolidated Dashboard displaying current and historical view of chair and methodologist (faculty) metrics, including: 
i. Number of cases filed, outcomes, reasons
ii. Number of grads 
iii. Tenure in current and prior roles
iv. EOCS 
v. Current and historical Learner progression stats
vi. Current and historical learner enrollment (specific classes enrolled in)
vii. Grading history
viii. Number of chair changes historically
ix. Committee review activity
x. Chair and methodologist PSR, CI, and Coaching history
xi. Zoom call history
4. Is there a current state process that the new request will be replacing/enhancing? (If there is a current process, please describe it in as many details as possible. Whether it’s manual, or uses existing technology, please provide as much information as needed to understand the process.)
a. Each of the above metrics are pulled either through xRM automatic reporting, manual reporting (i.e., Zoom), or from web reports. 
b. Currently, most of these metrics are manually calculated from the reports pulled. 
c. For example, learner progression stats can be pulled from xRM via an advanced find, but we must then use excel formulas, pivots, and combine different reports to calculate time between progression points. 
5. Business / Value Case. (What is the overall impact that implementing this feature/project would yield? Be detailed including population served, costs saved, processes benefitted.)
a. Overall impact – processes benefited: We currently do not have a comprehensive way to evaluate dissertation faculty. The Faculty KPI does not capture the data we need due to the unique nature of the dissertation student population. A dashboard will allow for comprehensive assessment of faculty serving as dissertation chairs, providing data on how they are supporting their students. 
b. Time saved: This would save several hours a week or more of manual reporting processes for multiple individuals. Currently, many of these reports can only be pulled once or a few times a year due to the amount of time it takes. If we are able to create a dashboard, we would be able to use the data on-demand and increase efficiency. 
c. Primary Population served: CDS leadership, admin staff, and management
d. Secondary population served: faculty and students 
6. When ultimately would you want this project/feature implemented? (All new submissions will be analyzed by the Project Intake Committee. Based on review, projects will be prioritized amongst all other ongoing initiatives. Because of this, selections are not guaranteed.)
a. 2024 3rd quarter
7. Justification of Implementation Request Date. (Please explain in detail the need for the chosen quarter of implementation.) 
a. Due to increased requests for data from compliance and legal teams, the data from this dashboard is needed as soon as possible.
Please rank your request on how critical this project is:8
Please explain why you ranked your request as you have in terms of criticalityDue to increased requests for data from compliance and legal teams, the data from this dashboard is needed as soon as possible.
Technology requestedDoctoral Studies would like a dashboard created so they can have a comprehensive way to evaluate dissertation faculty by tracking and assessing faculty serving as chairs and methodologists, using a combination of metrics outlined in the responses below, see 3c. This request does not address a regulatory requirement. They are hoping for a 3rd quarter 2024 delivery due to the requests for data from compliance and legal teams, and the data this dashboard would provide is needed as soon as possible.
Please indicate the date the project must be completed byOctober 1, 2024

Summary Project Information

Date request received:Feb 16, 2024
Support Owner the request was sent to:Curt Holstein (GCE) [email protected], via Greg Leake
Date request was sent to Support Owner:Feb 16, 2024
Support Owner’s IT business analysis:
Support Owner’s cost analysis:
Support Owner’s work load:
Support Owner’s expected completion date:
Date Support Owner replied to request:
Date Deciders were sent the request data:
Deciders names:Randy, Junette